Gregg DeGroat (Born in 1955) was born in Springfield, Ohio. His father was an artist and he’s the on who introduced him to art. Some of his earliest memories are of his father teaching him how to draw. DeGroat did his first paintings at the age of 8, a stallion and a mare. He can vividly remember watching the neighborhood children outside playing tag from his kitchen window, with his father promising to let him play with them once he completed the hair on the portrait on which his father had him working on. in high school, he majored in art, and then in college, he also took art courses, which were followed by a career as a graphic artist for 27 year in which he worked with the Dayton Daily News. his passion is to paint his way now that he’s retired. He painted traditionally for years but now pushes the envelope a bit, by switching to pencils and watercolors from acrylic.
He’s using these two mediums to develop a gestural, loose, and almost illustrative style he refers to as 'pawing.' This is actually a combination of painting and drawing. He looks forward to continually expanding on this style, but he says that he'll probably never be satisfied because he always likes to stretch his boundaries. His goal and vision is to make salable, high quality, images for reproduction. He’s determined to meet that goal that that’s what fuels his day, and he loves everything about it, especially the challenges he comes across in the process.